Company Questions

  1. Where is GCF located?

    Our business is located & registered in Washington State!

  2. What is GCF all about?

    Please check out the “Our Story” page here

Product Questions

  1. What is pre-workout?

    Pre-workout is a dietary supplement (usually in powdered form) that is taken before exercising to help boost energy and improve focus, endurance, and overall performance.

  2. What is GCF?

    Good Clean Fuel is a pre-workout dietary supplement. The purpose of the product is to provide energy, focus, and endurance during your workouts, while also combating muscle fatigue and adding recovery. The ingredients and their doses have been carefully crafted in order to deliver the best possible results, while staying as minimal and “clean” as possible. This means we avoid using artificial sweeteners and colors, sugar and fillers. GCF contains 6 main ingredients and minimal amount of secondary ingredients that were needed for solubility and flavor.

  3. Why should I take this product?

    If you are serious about working out (lifting weights, cardio, etc.), GCF can help to achieve your results.

  4. What makes GCF different from other pre-workout products?

    GCF is designed to be as minimal as possible while delivering great results. We feel confident that we have combined the right ingredients at the right amount to achieve this. In addition, our packaging (single stick) allows for the flexibility and ease of throwing a packet in your bag in the morning and pouring it into any source of water (bottle, glass, etc.) after work, during your lunch break, or whenever! No need to carry around a big tub and scoop of pre-workout.

  5. How long do the effects of GCF last?

    It truly varies from individual to individual. In our experience, the effects begin about 15-20 minutes after consumption, and last around 90 minutes.

  6. Is GCF safe to consume?

    Absolutely. Our product is manufactured in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified facility with ingredients sourced worldwide from reputable sellers. Our product was also tested rigorously for any defects. We always recommend checking with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplementation routine to ensure the ingredients won’t conflict with any prior health issues you may have. Our ingredients are pretty standard for any pre-workout supplement. Note that our product does contain caffeine. Any consumers with a caffeine sensitivity should discuss with their healthcare provider.

  7. Is GCF vegan?

    Our product is not considered to be vegan because it contains L-Tyrosine.

  8. Is GCF gluten free?


  9. Does GCF contain any preservatives?


  10. How should I take GCF?

    We recommend combining 1 packet with 8-12 ounces of cold water and mixing thoroughly 15-30 minutes before training. If you are just starting out, you could try using half of a packet to see how you tolerate the formula.

  11. Where is GCF made?

    Our product is manufactured in California, with ingredients sourced from all over the world. Our product was made in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified facility.

  12. Can I take GCF while pregnant or breastfeeding?

    We don’t recommend taking GCF while pregnant or breastfeeding. We recommend consulting with your healthcare provider for further questions about your diet and supplementation during this time.

General Questions

  1. What if my question isn’t listed her?

    Please contact us here

  2. Does GCF have an ambassador program?

    Not yet! Stay tuned for more information on this. Meanwhile please follow and tag us on Instagram (@goodcleanfuel) and use #goodcleanfuel so we can know to come to you when we launch a formal program!

  3. Where do you ship?

    Currently, we only ship to the continental United States.